02/19/2025 PENTHOUSE COMICS 2025 #1 LOTAY 1:10 VARIANT
02/19/2025 PENTHOUSE COMICS 2025 #1 LOTAY 1:10 VARIANT
Cover art by Suspiria. Known for her cover art for titles like Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer- Firefly- Dune- and Hunt for the Skinwalker. We're excited to share that Penthouse Comics has been greenlit for a year two! We're back with new comics- new photoshoots- and new surprises. Returning writer JD Morvan continues his storytelling of a world long gone. Rocky Bailey- a hunk living in Los Angeles that has decided to keep his virginity until he hits twenty finds that there's someone out there with malicious plans for him. But that someone is going to quickly find out that Rocky isn't the one to mess with. Continuing from Penthouse Comics Year One are Miss October and Gun Crazy. Both at places where new fans can pick up on the stories without missing a beat. Miss October continues the story of a mysterious serial killer that is killing women one by one and getting closer to our very own- Miss October. Lieutenant Clegg's investigation has stalled and Viktor must take a leap of faith to get the answers they need before it's too late. Meanwhile- Gun Crazy 2 continues the violent road trip of Dolly and Lanoya- our two ladies in search of a better life. Everyone has arrived in Las Vegas and there will be no restraint on life and death… for fans of Tarantino and the 80s. And another brand new surprise ongoing story! Beyond that we have A24 actress- current host of SYFY- MetalSucks- Tower Records and past host of DC Universe- Bloody Disgusting- Geek & Sundry- Sourcefed- and Nerdist. She's here for an interview and an ultra sexy photoshoot. You won't want to miss this!
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